Road Mapping for Autonomous Driving


A gigantic effort is under way worldwide to map EVERYTHING that you can see on and around roads for use in self-driving vehicles.  


Since 2016, BPS has delivered detailed, accurate maps of road networks in the USA, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea.  We have mapped over half a million miles of roads including highways, primary roads and secondary roads. These maps have an accuracy of AQL 0.1 for safety critical features.

We use data from mobile mapping with LiDAR technology to create these maps.  Mapped features have included:

  • Lane delineators such as paint lines, shoulders, medians, curbs, walls, etc.

  • Road objects such as signs, traffic control devices, stop bars, etc.

  • Pavement markings including text, turn and straight arrows

  • Obstructions including barriers, pylons, and striped pavements

  • Pedestrian and road crossings

  • Complex turn maneuvers

  • Speed bumps, driveways and cul-de-sacs

Furthermore, we have collected more than 12 million road signs to-date.

road mapping of autonomous driving
autonomous driving mapping of lane delineators
autonomous driving road mapping of lanes